Explainer: What is sustainable tourism?

After the pandemic subsided, tourism took back its title as one of the largest industries in the world, accounting for 10% of global GDP.  Even though there are no figures to show...

Why Big Tech pretends AI is dangerous

In April 2018 Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the US Senate to answer questions on the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, and whether Facebook now represented a threat to the free...

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Reflections from a year with wine: Breaky Bottom

To mark the end of the year on worldoffinewine.com, we asked our writers to reflect on the bottles that meant most to them in 2021. For her contribution, Margaret Rand explains why...

The World of Fine Wine


Men are more likely to avoid tax than women, according to research — but why?

In 2017, Clara Volintiru of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and John D’Attoma of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies published a paper that yielded a blunt conclusion: men...



Exclusive New Year’s Eve Celebrations to Welcome 2022

“What’s your New Year’s Eve plans?”. That oh-so-familiar phrase usually uttered in December didn’t get much airtime last year due to an ever-moving feast of lockdowns, travel restrictions and social...

Elite Traveler